Tier 2 - Eschatology and the Book of Revelation, Part One (MJT 204 T-2)
Time limit: 365 days
3 credits
Full course description
Eschatology is the study or doctrine of Last Things, the End Times; it encompasses all that the Bible teaches about the future of Israel and future of the world.
So, in this course, students will be studying passages in both the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the New Testament. There are passages in almost every book in the Bible that deal with End Time events and the Kingdom of God.
The Book of Revelation is taught in a verse-by-verse format. This is the first of a two-part course and covers the introduction to Revelation as we as chapters 1-14 of Revelation.
No one teaches about the End Times like Dr. Fruchtenbaum; his book, Footsteps of the Messiah, serves as the main textbook for this course, however there are other required books and readings also.
- Course Name and Course Code: Eschatology and the Book of Revelation, Part One (MJT 204 T-2)
- Prerequisites: None
- Educational Level: Open to all levels (Undergraduate and Graduate)
- Required Course for an ACB-MJS Degree: Yes
- Professor in the Video Lectures: Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Th.M.. Ph.D.
- Credits: 3 Credits
- Tier: This is a Tier 2 course.
- The Bible
- Fruchtenbaum, Footsteps of the Messiah
- Pentecost, Things to Come
- Please get the most updated edition of each book. For additional required books and resources for this course and how to order books, please consult the course syllabus. After you purchase the course, you will have access to the course syllabus.
- Course Format: 100% Online. Students are required to do all reading, assignments, and exams. This self-paced course must be completed within 365 days from date of original purchase.
- Curriculum: 15 Modules, 9 hours of video presentations (with onscreen photos/maps/images), open-book exams, required readings, free pdf articles/resources, written assignments (not collected/graded in self-paced courses), and Bible memory verses.
Module #1 –
The Rules of Interpretation
The Outline of Eschatology
Introduction to the Book of Revelation
Module #2 –
The Times of the Gentiles
Module 1-2 Exam
Module #3 –
The Eschatology of the Visible Church, Part One: Characteristics, Interpretation, Basic Outline, the Letters to: Ephesus, Smyrna,Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia
Module #4 –
The Eschatology of the Visible Church, Part Two: The Letter to Laodicea
Module 3-4 Exam
Module #5 –
World Wars I and II, The Reestablishment of Israel, and Jerusalem Under Jewish Control
Module #6 –
The Northern Alliance Invasion of Israel, The One World Government, The Ten Kingdoms, The Rise of the Antichrist, The Period of Peace and False Security, The Seven-year Covenant, and Summary
Module #7 –
Other Pretribulational Events: Blackout 1, The Return of Elijah, The Third Temple
Module 5-6 Exam
Module #8 –
The Eschatology of the Invisible Church: Definition and The Rapture of the Church
Module #9 –
The Judgment Seat of the Messiah, The Marriage of the Lamb, Events in Heaven Prior to the Tribulation (The Throne of God and the Lamb and the Seven-Sealed Scroll)
Module 8-9 Exam
Module #10 –
The Great Tribulation: Introduction (Names, Purposes, General Descriptions)
Module #11 –
The Beginning of the Tribulation: Daniel 9:24-27 and Isaiah 28:14-22
Module #12 –
The Events of the First Half of the Tribulation: Part One – The Seal Judgments
Module #13 –
The Events of the First Half of the Tribulation: Part Two – The 144,000
Jews and the Worldwide Revival, The Trumpet Judgments, The Two Witnesses, and The Ecclesiastical Babylon, and Summary
Module #14 –
The Events in the Middle of the Tribulation: Part One – The Little Book, The Second Worldwide Conflict, The Antichrist Killed, Satan Cast Down to the Earth, The Resurrection of the Antichrist, Three Kings Killed—Seven Submit, Destruction of Ecclesiastical Babylon, The Death of the Two Witness, The Worship of the Antichrist, The False Prophet, and The Mark of the Beast
Module #15 –
The Events in the Middle of the Tribulation: Part Two—The Seven-Year Covenant Broken, The Abomination of Desolation, The Persecution of the Jews, Mid-tribulation Announcements, and The Seventh Trumpet
Module 10-15 Exam