
Tier 2 - Yeshua: The Life of Messiah, Part One (BHD 101 T-2)

Time limit: 365 days
3 credits

$125 Enroll

Full course description

A full understanding of the Gospels is not attainable without knowledge of the Jewish frame of reference. Therefore, this course provides detailed background information about first-century Jewish society, religious elements, rabbinic literature, and rabbinic theology. This course covers the period from Yeshua’s birth (the Incarnation) to the public proclamation of His Messiahship.  


Using a harmonization of the four Gospels, we’ll study the life of Yeshua using a chronological-thematic approach.


This is the first course in a sequence of four courses examining the life of Yeshua the Messiah from a Messianic Jewish perspective


NOTE: This course was updated and expanded in 2023.  It took several months to complete this project.  Lord willing, we also plan on updating and expanding Yeshua Parts Two and Three in this Life of Yeshua series of coures in 2024-25. 


  • Course Name and Course Code: Yeshua: The Life of Messiah, Part One (BHD 101 T-2)
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Enrollment: The Tier 2 courses have open enrollment.  Students can take this course any time.  It must be completed in one year.
  • Educational Level: Open to all levels 
  • Required Course for an ACB-MJS Degree: Yes
  • Faculty on Video Lectures:  Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Th.M.. Ph.D.
  • Course Length: 16 Modules of curriculum and 10 hours of lecture video presentations
  • Credits: 3 Credits

  • Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Messianic Jewish Perspective – Volume 1 by Arnold Fruchtenbaum [Note – Be sure to get the full, unabridged edition of this book, NOT the abridged edition]

  • Ariel’s Harmony of the Gospels by Arnold Fruchtenbaum

  • The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiahby Alfred Edersheim

NOTE: There are other resources required for this course but we will provide these to you at no additional cost (e.g. pdf articles, expository notes, etc.). These are all listed in the course syllabus which you will get when you purchase the course; we also provide you information on how to order books.  Book prices are not included in the cost of the course, you need to buy the books separately.



Video Lectures Module 1: Introductory Material

  • Video Presentation 1a. Introductions: Speaker, Purpose, and Importance of the Course
  • Video Presentation 1b. Methodology of the Course
  • Video Presentation 1c. Use of Rabbinic Literature in the Course
  • Video Presentation 1d. How the NT quotes the OT: The Four Types of Messianic Prophecy in the OT
  • Video Presentation 1e. How the NT quotes the OT: The Four Categories of Quotations

 Video Lectures Module 2: The Historical Backgrounds

  • Video Presentation 2a. Historical Backgrounds: Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Rome
  • Video Presentation 2b. The Reign of Herod the Great and the Aftermath
  • Video Presentation 2c. First Century Jewish Society: Importance
  • Video Presentation 2d. Categories of First-Century Jewish Society
  • Video Presentation 2e. Jewish Backgrounds: Language

Video Presentation 2f. Religious Elements: Second Temple, Priesthood, Temple Police, & Synagogues

Video Lectures Module 3: The Pharisaic-Rabbinic Movement

  • Video Presentation 3a. Development of Pharisaic Judaism: Sopherim
  • Video Presentation 3b. Development of Pharisaic Judaism: Tannaim

Video Presentation 3c. Development of Pharisaic Judaism: Amoraim, Finished Product, and Rabbinic Literature

Video Lectures Module 4: Rabbinic Theology

  • Video Presentation 4a. Torah
  • Video Presentation 4b. Scripture and Messiah
  • Video Presentation 4c. The Three Messianic Miracles: (1) The Healing of a Jewish Leper
  • Video Presentation 4d. The Three Messianic Miracles: (2) The Casting Out of a Demon Causing Muteness
  • Video Presentation 4e. The Three Messianic Miracles: (3) The Opening of the Eyes of a Man Born Blind
  • Video Presentation  4f. Rabbinic Exegesis, Authority and Status

Video Lectures Module 5: Luke’s Prologue and Introduction to Matthew and Mark

  • Video Presentation  5. Luke’s Prologue, Matthew and Mark

Video Lectures Module 6: Introduction to Luke and John

  • Video Presentation 6a. The Gospel of Luke
  • Video Presentation 6b. The Gospel of John

Video Lectures Module 7: The Preexistence of the Messiah

  • Video Presentation 7. John’s Prologue and the Logos in Greek Philosophy, in Philonic Writings, and in Rabbinic Theology

Video Lectures Module 8: The Messianic Jewish Approach to the Word

  • Video Presentation 8a. Six Theological Truths about the Memra
  • Video Presentation 8b. Additional Aspects of the Prologue

Video Lectures Module 9: The Background of the King

  • Video Presentation 9. The Genealogy of the King

Video Lectures Module 10: The Advent of the King

  • Video Presentation 10a. The Annunciation of the Birth of Yochanan to Zechariah
  • Video Presentation 10b. The Annunciation of the Birth of Yeshua to Miriam

Video Lectures Module 11: The Preparations for the King

  • Video Presentation 11a. The Visit of Miriam with Elizabeth and the Song of Miriam
  • Video Presentation 11b. The Birth of Yochanan (John)
  • Video Presentation 11c. The Annunciation of the Birth of Yeshua to Joseph

Video Lectures Module 12: The Arrival of the King

  • Video Presentation 12a. The Birth of the King
  • Video Presentation 12b. The Announcement to and visit of the Shepherds
  • Video Presentation 12c. The Circumcision
  • Video Presentation 12d. The Presentation and the Two Encounters

Video Lectures Module 13: The Early Years of the King

  • Video Presentation 13a. The Childhood of the King
  • Video Presentation 13b. In Egypt and In Nazareth

Video Lectures Module 14: The Development of the King, and the Call to Repent

  • Video Presentation 14a. The Boyhood of the King
  • Video Presentation 14b. The Visit to Jerusalem and His Human Development
  • Video Presentation 14c. The Message to Yochanan and the Message by Yochanan


Video Lectures Module 15: The Forerunner and Herald of the King

  • Video Presentation 15a. The Explanation by Yochanan
  • Video Presentation 15b. The Promise by Yochanan
  • Video Presentation 15c. At His Baptism

Video LecturesModule 16: The Approval of the King

  • Video Presentation 16a. Through His Temptation and His Identification with Israel
  • Video Presentation 16b. By His Herald – To the Jewish Leaders – To the Jewish Public