Tier 3. - Intro. to Theology, Bibliology, & Dispensationalism
Time limit: 365 days
Full course description
- Course Name: Introduction to Systematic Theology, Bibliology, and Dispensationalism
- Course Code: MJT 101 T-3
- Prerequisites: None
- Professor(s) in Lectures: Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Th.M.. Ph.D. (18 lectures) and Mark Adler, Ph.D. (4 lectures)
- Credits: 0 [Tiers 3 and 4 are non-credit]
- Length: 16 modules of curriculum; 22 video lecture presentations (10 hours)
- Course Format: 100% Online.
- Expiration/Course Completion Deadline: Students will have access to the video course lecture presentations for 365 days from the date of purchase.
Brief Overview
- This first part of the course provides a robust introduction (prolegomena) to Systematic Theology. And, in addition to learning theological terms, plans, and proceedures, students will also learn about related areas of theology such as Biblical, Historical, and Dogmatic Theology.
- The second part of the course covers Bibliology, the Doctrine of the Bible. Students will learn about the revelation, inspiration, authority, canonicity, and transmission of Scripture.
- In the third part of the course, students will learn about Dispensationalism including the meaning of the term, its use in Scripture, the origins, hermeneutics, and characteristics of each dispensation.
- Students will study about the Word of God from the Word of God. A daily verse-by-verse study of Psalm 119 has been embedded into this course.
- Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. The Word of God, Vol. 1, Come and See. 3rd ed. San Antonio, TX: Ariel Ministries, 2019.
- Enns, Paul. The Moody Handbook of Theology. Revised and Expanded. Chicago: Moody, 2014.
- Geisler, Norman and William Nix. From God to Us: How We Got Out Bible. Chicago: Moody, 2012.
- Ryrie, Charles. Dispensationalism. Chicago: Moody, 2007.
- Students will also select one book for devotional readings from the Book of Psalms. We provide four book choices (add'l information about this is in the course syllabus).
Module 1 – Orientation to Theology and Systematic Theology: Concepts and Definitions
Module 2 – The Possibility of Systematic Theology and The Need for Systematic Theology
Module 3 – The Procedure of Systematic Theology and The Plan of Systematic Theology
Module 4 –The Approach to Theology in Rabbinic Judaism
Module 5 – Terminology to Supernatural Orgin of the Bible
- Video Presentation 5.a.– Terminology and Attitudes Towards the Bible
- Video Presentation 5.b. – The Wonders of the Bible and the Supernatural Origin of the Bible
Module 6 – General, Special, and Progressive Revelation
- Video Presentation 6.a. – Definitions and General Revelation
- Video Presentation 6.b. – Special Revelation and Progressive Revelation
Module 7 – Theories of Inspiration and the True Position
- Video Presentation 7.a. – Definitions and Theories of Inspiration
- Video Presentation 7.b. – The True Position: Plenary Verbal Inspiration
Module 8 – Objections to Verbal Inspiration and the Relationship Between Revelation and Inspiration
Module 9 – Canonicity and the Disputed Books
- Video Presentation 9.a. – Definitions, Basic Foundations, and Tests of Canonicity
- Video Presentation 9.b – The Hebrew Bible (O.T.), The New Testament, and the Disputed Books
Module 10 – Illumination to Interpretation
- Video Presentation 10.a. – Illumination
- Video Presentation 10.b – Animation, Preservation, and Interpretation
Module 11 – Dispensations and Dispensationalism: Definitions and the Mark of a Dispensationalist
Module 12 – The Dispensations
Module 13 – Covenant Theology
- Video Presentation 13.a. – Summary of Covenant Theology: Definitions, Problems of Covenant Theology
- Video Presentation 13.b – The Results of Covenant Theology in Specific Theological Areas
Module 14 – The Covenants of the Bible
- Video Presentation 14.a. – The Covenants of the Bible: Introduction, the Edenic, Adamic, and Noahic Covenants
- Video Presentation 14.b – The Abrahamic, Mosaic, Land, Davidic, and New Covenants
Module 15 – Biblical Evidences: Introduction to the Internal and External Evidences
Segment 16 – Biblical Criticism: Textual Criticism and Higher Criticism