
Tier 3 - Yeshua: The Life of Messiah, Part Three (BHD 103 T-3)

Time limit: 365 days

$75 Enroll

Full course description

  • Course Name and Course Code: The Life of Yeshua, Part Three (BHD 103 T-3)
  • Prerequisites: none for non-credit courses
  • Educational Level: Open to all levels (Undergraduate and Graduate)
  • Professor(s) in Lectures:  Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Th.M.. Ph.D.
  • Credits: 0 Credits - Audit Only 
  • Textbooks: 
    • The Bible 
    • Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Messianic Jewish Perspective – Volume 3 by Arnold Fruchtenbaum [Note – Be sure to get the full, unabridged edition of this book, NOT the abridged edition]
    • Ariel’s Harmony of the Gospels by Arnold Fruchtenbaum
    • The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim
    • Please get the most updated edition of each book. For additional required books and resources for this course and how to order books, please consult the course syllabus.  After you purchase the course you will have access to the course syllabus.
  • Course Format: 100% Online. Audit-only, non-credit students are encouraged to do reading, assigments, and exams but are NOT required to do so.  No academic records are maintained for audit-only, non-credit students.
  • Curriculum: 25 Modules, 10.5 hours of video presentations, open-book exams, required readings, pdf articles/resources, written assignments and Bible memory verses.
  • Expiration/Course Completion Deadline: Students will have access to the course for 365 days from the date of purchase.


Descriptive Summary:

This is the third course in the sequence of four courses examining the life of Yeshua the Messiah from a Messianic Jewish perspective. This course covers the six-month period from the Feast of Tabernacles (Jn. 7) to the Agony of Gethsemane (Matt. 26; Mk. 14; Lk. 22; Jn. 18). 

Dr. Fruchtenbaum explicates through these Scriptures which include biblical and rabbinic concepts of the afterlife, the Triumphal Entry, the Olivet Discourse, the parables urging watchfulness and diligence, the last Passover, the High Priestly Prayer and the agony of Gethsemane.

As with all our courses, spiritual growth application and implication points are incorporated into each segment.

 The Opposition to the King [§99-§112]

Module #1:

  • §99: The Conflict at the Feast of Tabernacles
  • §100: The Conflict over the Law
  • §101: The Conflict over the Light


Module #2:

  • §102: The Conflict over His Person
  • §103: The Conflict over the Healing of a Man Born Blind


Module #3:

  • §104: The Conflict over the Shepherd
  • §105: The Witness of the Seventy
  • §106: The Conflict over the Questions of Eternal Life
  • §107: The Example of Fellowship
  • §108: Instruction In Prayer
  • §109: Conflict over the Healing of the Dumb Man
  • §110: Conflict over Pharisaic Ritualism

Module #4:

  • §111: Instruction of the Disciples
  • §112: Conflict at the Feast of Dedication

Module 1-4 Exam


The Preparation of the Disciples by the King: §113-§131


Module #5:

  • §113: The Withdrawal from Judah
  • §114: Instruction Concerning Entrance into the Kingdom
  • §115: Instruction in a Pharisee’s House
  • §116: Instruction Concerning Discipleship
  • §117: Instruction Concerning God’s Attitude toward Sinners

Module #6:

  • §118: Instruction Concerning Wealth
  • §119: Instruction Concerning Forgiveness
  • §120: Instruction Concerning Service
  • §121-§123: The Resurrection of Lazarus: The First Sign of Jonah

Module #7:

  • §124: Instruction in Prayer
  • §125: Instruction on Divorce
  • §126: Instruction on Entrance into the Kingdom
  • §127: Instruction on Eternal Life

Module #8:

  • §128: Instruction Concerning His Death
  • §129: The Healing of the Blind Men
  • §130-§131: Instruction Concerning the Kingdom Program

Module 5-8 Exam


The Official Presentation of the King §132-§144


Module #9:

  • §132: The Arrival in Bethany
  • §133: The Triumphal Entry
  • §134-§135: The Authority of the King
  • §136: The Invitations by the King
  • §137: The Proof of Authority

Module #10:

  • Jacob’s Flight to Haran (27:41 28:22) to The Sons of Jacob (29:31-30:24)
  • §138-141: The Authority of the King Challenged: The Testing of the Lamb
  • Segment #11 –
  • §142: The Challenge by the King
  • §143: The Judgment by the King
  • §144: Instruction at the Treasury

Module 9-10 Exam


The Preparation for the Death of the King: §145-§160


Module #12:

  • §145: The Olivet Discourse: The Prophecies of the King

Module #13:

  • §146: The Prediction of His Death
  • §147: The Conspiracy of the Rulers
  • §148: The Pouring of the Ointment
  • §149: The Promise to Betray

Module #14 :

  • §150-160 The Last Passover and the First Lord’s Supper

Module 12-14 Exam


The Preparation for the Death of the King: §161- §164


Module #15:

  • §161-§162: The Promises and Admonitions by the King

Module #16:

  • §163: The High Priestly Prayer
  • §164: The Agony of Gethsemane

Module 15-16 Exam