
Tier 4 - The Feasts and Fasts of Israel, JHC 201 T-4

Time limit: 365 days

$75 Enroll

Full course description

Course Title: The Feasts and Fasts of Israel

  • ✡Course Code: JHC 201 T-4
  • ✡Discipline: Jewish and Messianic Jewish Tenents, History, Culture, Customs, and Apologetics
  • ✡Prerequisites: None.
  • ✡Instructor in the Video Lectures: Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
  • ✡Length: Course is comprised of 21 video lecture segments (13 hours of video lecture content); Tier 4 courses do not provide access to the curriculum or other course content.

Course Description

  • The focus of this important course is on the biblical feasts and fasts of Israel that are observed on a yearly basis. 
  • We begin with the historical background, function, and order of the Jewish calendar. Next we move onto the foundational matters pertaining to the offerings and holy days in Leviticus 23. 
  • Then we will explore each of the biblical holy days, one-by-one, explaining: (a) how they were to be celebrated in accordance with the Mosaic Law, (b) how Rabbinic Judaism observes them, (c) the Messianic implications of each feast and fast, and (d) how they have been or will be fulfilled in the Messianic program.
  • We will also study the post-Mosiac feasts of Israel, Purim and Chanukah, as well as Rosh Chodesh and Tisha B'Av.
  • In addition to the Ariel textbook, students will be reading material from several other excellent books; these books and articles are listed on the course syallabus which students gain access to after they purchase the course (Tiers 1-3 only).

Module 1 –The Jewish Calendar, Leviticus 1-6, The Offerings, and Introduction to the Seven Holy Seasons of Leviticus 23  

Module 2 – The Feast of Passover: Introduction and Observance 

Module 3 - The Feast of Passover: In the Hebrew Scriptures, in the Brit Chadashah, Messianic Implications, and the Last Pesach

Module 4 – The Feast of Unleavened Bread  and The Feast of First Fruits

Module 5 – The Feast of Weeks 

Module  6 The Feast of Trumpets

Module 7 – The Day of Atonement: Introduction, Observance, in the Law of Moses

Module 8 – The Day of Atonement: Messianic Implications in the Prophets, the Writings, the New Testament, in Jewish Legends and the Fulfillment

Module 9 – The Feast of Tabernacles: Introduction and Observance

Module 10 - The Feast of Tabernacles: in the Hebrew Scriptures, in the New Testament, Messianic Implications, and Conclusion

Module 11 – The Feast of Lots 

Module 12 – The Feast of Dedication

Module 13 – The New Moon Festival 

Module 14 – The Ninth of Av: Introduction, in the Scriptures, the Events of Tisha B’Av 

Module 15 – The Ninth of Av : Rabbinic Traditions and Messianic Implications of Tisha B’Av, and Epilogue