
Tier 4 - Yeshua: The Life of Messiah, Part Two (BHD 102 T-4)

Time limit: 365 days

$50 Enroll

Full course description

Course Code: BHD 102 T-4

  • Discipline: The B’rit Hadasha – N.T. Biblical Studies
  • Prerequisites: BHD 101 T-4
  • Instructor in the Video Lectures: Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
  • Length: Course is comprised of 25 video lecture segments.  Tier 4 courses only provide video lectures, no course curriculum is included.
  • Enrollment: Open enrollment
  • Credits: 0 Credits 

Descriptive Summary:

This course opens with the beginning of Yeshua’s public ministry. It analyzes the role His miracles were to play as signs to Israel – to bring the Jewish people to the point of decision about His Messianic claims and proclamations. 

The work moves on the dealing with Yeshua’s authority over, conflict with, and repudiation of Pharisaic Judaism, which led to the rejection of His Messiahship. This course concludes with Yeshua’s journey to Jerusalem in preparation for the Feasts of Tabernacles.

This is the second course in the sequence of four courses examining the life of Yeshua the Messiah from a Messianic Jewish perspective.  

It is the new expanded and updated edition.



    • Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Messianic Jewish Perspective – Volume 2 
    • Ariel’s Harmony of the Gospels 
    • The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim

NOTE: There are many other required resources for this course (i.e. articles and notes on PDF) but we provide those at no additional cost to Tier 1-3 students. 

After you purchase the course you will have full access to the course syllabus which provides more specifics about the books and resources, including purchase information.

Module 1: The Belief by the First Disciples §28 to Acceptance in Judea §33

  • Video Presentation 1a
    • §28 The Belief by the First Disciples
    • §29 Belief Through the First Miracle
    • §30 The Sojourn in Capernaum
  • Video Presentation 1b
    • §31 The First Possession of the Temple
  • Video Presentation 1c
    • §32-33 Acceptance in Judea

Module 1 Exam

Module 2:  Yochanan’s Witness §34 to The Acceptance in Galilee §37

  • Video Presentation 2
    • §34 Yochanan’s Witness
    • §35 Yochanan’s Imprisonment
    • §36 Acceptance in Samaria
    • §37 The Acceptance in Galilee

Module 2 Exam

Module 3:  Messiah’s Authority to Preach §38 to The Initial Rejection in Nazareth §40

  • Video Presentation 3
    • §38 Messiah’s Authority to Preach
    • §39 The Messiah’s Authority to Heal
    • §40 The Initial Rejection in Nazareth

Module 3 Exam

Module 4: The Headquarters in Capernaum §41 to Messiah’s Authority over Defilement §46

  • Video Presentation 4a
    • §41 The Headquarters in Capernaum
    • §42 Messiah’s Authority over Demons
    • §43 Messiah’s Authority over Disease
  • Video Presentation 4b
    • §44 Messiah’s Authority to Preach
    • §45 Messiah’s Authority over Nature
    • §46 Messiah’s Authority over Defilement

Module 4 Exam

Module 5: The Messiah’s Authority to Forgive Sin §47 to Messiah’s Authority over Tradition §49

  • Video Presentation 5
    • §47 The Messiah’s Authority to Forgive Sin
    • §48 Messiah’s Authority over Men
    • §49 Messiah’s Authority over Tradition

Module 5 Exam

Module 6: Messiah’s Authority over the Sabbath §50 to The Choosing of the Twelve §54

  • Video Presentation 6a
    • §50: Messiah’s Authority over the Sabbath: Part One (a-e)
  • Video Presentation 6b
    • §51-52: Messiah’s Authority over the Sabbath: Part Two (f and g)
    • §53: Messiah’s Authority to Heal
    • §54: The Choosing of the Twelve

Module 6 Exam

Module 7: Messiah’s Authority to Interpret the Law: Part One §55

  • Video Presentation 7
    • §55: Messiah’s Authority to Interpret the Law: Part One (a to d)

Module 7 Exam

Module 8:  Messiah’s Authority to Interpret the Law: Part Two §55 to Recognition of Authority Throughout the Land §57

  • Video Presentation 8a
    • §55: Messiah’s Authority to Interpret the Law: Part Two (e to h)
  • Video Presentation 8b
    • §56: Recognition of Authority in Capernaum
    • §57: Recognition of Authority Throughout the Land

Module 8 Exam

Module 9: The Rejection of the Herald §58 to The Unpardonable Sin §62

  • Video Presentation 9a 
    • §58 The Rejection of the Herald 
    • §59 Curses on Galilee
    • §60 The Reception by a Sinner
    • §61: The Witness to the King to Women
  • Video Presentation 9b
    • §62: The Rejection of the King by the Leaders: Part One – The Unpardonable Sin

Module 9 Exam

Module 10: The New Policy Concerning Signs §63 to The Course of the Kingdom Program in the Present Age §64

  • Video Presentation 10a
    • §63 The Rejection of the King by the Leaders: Part Two – The New Policy Concerning Signs
  • Video Presentation 10b
    • §64 Revelation in View of the Rejection: Part One – The Course of the Kingdom Program in the Present Age

Module 10 Exam

Module 11: The Repudiation of all Earthly Relations §65 to Power Over Disease and Death §69

  • Video Presentation 11
    • §65: The Repudiation of all Earthly Relations
    • §66 The Course of the Kingdom Program in the Present Age
    • §67 Power Over Nature
    • §68: Power Over Demons 
    • §69: Power Over Disease and Death

Module 11 Exam

Module 12:  Power over Blindness §70 to The Death of the Herald §73

  • Video Presentation 12
    • §70 Power Over Blindness 
    • §71 The Final Rejection in Natzeret
    • §72 Witness in View of Rejection
    • §73 The Death of the Herald

Module 12 Exam

Module 13:  The Feeding of the Five Thousand §74 to Instruction Concerning Defilement §79

  • Video Presentation 13a
    • §74 The Feeding of the Five Thousand
    • §75 Messiah’s Rejection of the Galileans’ Offer to Make Him King
    • §76 The Training Through the Storm
    • §77 The Reception in Gennesaret
    • §78 Instruction Concerning the Bread of Life
  • Video Presentation 13b
    • §79 Instruction Concerning Defilement

Module 13 Exam 

Module 14: The Reception in Tyre and Sidon §80 to The Confession of Peter §85

  • Video Presentation 14
    • §80: The Reception in Tyre and Sidon
    • §81: The Reception in Decapolis
    • §82: The Rejection in Magadan
    • §83: The Warning Against Rejection
    • §84: The Healing of the Blind Man
    • §85: The Confession of Peter

Module 14 Exam

Module 15: Instruction Concerning the Death of the King §86 to Instruction Concerning Elijah §89

  • Video Presentation 15
    • §86 Instruction Concerning the Death of the King
    • §87-88 Instruction Concerning the Kingdom
    • §89 Instruction Concerning Elijah

Module 15 Exam

Module 16: Instruction Concerning Faith §90 to Instruction Concerning Discipleship §98

  • Video Presentation 16a
    • §90 Instruction Concerning Faith
    • §91 Instruction Concerning the Death of the King
    • §92 Instruction Concerning Sonship, Instruction 
    • §93 Concerning Humility
    • §94 Instruction Concerning Exclusiveness and Pride
  • Video Presentation 16b
    • §95 Instruction Concerning Forgiveness
    • §96 The Challenge by the Brothers
    • §97 The Journey to Jerusalem
    • §98 Instruction Concerning Discipleship

Module 16 Exam